I need to finish this before next Monday.  Yet I stll have several scenes and lots of dialogues in mind. Can I finish this story in 1500 words?



Nothing to be worried about.


"Bob," I interrupted Bob's endless chattering. "Thank you. Thank you so much. If you didn't speak up for me, I may have been taken as the suspect now! I'm so glad that I have a friend like you."


"Ah, it's nothing." Bob waved impatiently, but I can see that he was flattered. "But it's still strange that he has that portrait..." His voice nearly faded away, but I still heard it.


"Portrait? What portrait?" I asked.


"Oh, nothing important." Bob didn't look me in the eyes. "It's just -  well, let's put it in this way. The man showed me a piece of drawing, which he claimed to be the one indicating one of the kidnapper's appearance. Um...well, I have to admit that it did look perfectly like you. Almost like a photograph, I'd say."


I didn't reply.


"And then...well, that's why I let him continue asking things like your alibi. But... I have no doubt in your innocence at the first place! You see, although the portrait looked just like your identical twin, anyone can distinguish you and the person in the drawing. You have a mole on your left cheek, right? Well, in that portrait it was on the right side. That guy also said the girl was pretty sure that it was on the right cheek, according to the police. You have an alibi on March 22nd, and you are apparently not the person that girl saw. Well, what else can one conclude? You are definitely innocent."


"Oh, I... I see. Thank you, Bob."



1045 words so far...

The next part will end this story and reveal all the truth. Wish me luck so that I can hand it out on time...


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